KEEN Utility's Generous Donation Propels Student Success at Mount Morris CTE Center

a Building Trades student works at the house project.In a heartwarming demonstration of corporate generosity, KEEN Utility has contributed seven pairs of high-quality steel-toe boots to Mount Morris' Career and Technical Education Center (CTE). This timely and generous donation aligns seamlessly with the efforts of Mount Morris CTE Center's Student Assistance Team, actively seeking ways to support students not only academically but also socially, emotionally, and economically.

"Career and Technical Education is rapidly becoming a top choice for high school students," stated Matthew Flowers, Executive Principal at Mount Morris BOCES. "These industries require specialized tools, equipment, and clothing, which is sometimes be a hardship for students and families.  KEEN Footwear has helped us bridge this gap in meeting some of the needs of our students on their journey to success," Flowers expressed.

The Mount Morris CTE Center maintains a dedicated clothing closet to cater to its students' needs. Acknowledging the significance of uniformity in certain programs, CTE programs have designated uniforms, including specialized outfits that require steel-toe boots. These boots play a crucial role in various fields such as building trades, metal trades, and conservation.

Members of the Student Assistance Team took the initiative to seek assistance in securing boots for the clothing closet. KEEN Utility, a company renowned for its commitment to quality and community, eagerly responded to the call for support by providing seven pairs of steel-toe boots. This thoughtful donation ensures that current and upcoming students at Mount Morris CTE Center will have access to the proper footwear not only during their educational journey but also as they transition into the workforce.

Jeffrey Swift, Metal Trades teacher, expresses profound admiration for KEEN’s exemplary commitment to civic responsibility through their generous donation to the students. He finds it truly amazing and views it as a refreshing perspective on "a new concept of corporate ethics." Swift emphasizes that KEEN’s high-quality product line, tailored for working and active individuals, aligns seamlessly with his discussions with students about investing in themselves. Regular conversations with his students revolve around the importance of quality personal protection and maintaining physical health, essential for excelling in vocations like welding. The boot donation serves as a tangible reinforcement of this crucial concept, giving it gravity and setting a benchmark for corporate social responsibility. According to Swift, KEEN’s generosity not only demonstrates care for the students but also showcases a genuine commitment to supporting hardworking tradespeople by providing boots and gear at no cost. In essence, KEEN’s example resonates with the students, illustrating a company that not only talks the talk but walks the walk in prioritizing the well-being and success of those in the trades.

Conservation/Heavy Machinery Instructor Schuyler Daugherty underlines the significance of this contribution, stating, "As an organization that serves many school communities, we find there are times where hardships at home may inhibit a student's access to learning and success. In a career and technical education setting, this means students must be prepared for real work-based learning. This includes having the proper attire, and in this case, work boots to protect their feet. The donation by KEEN has provided those students in need and paved the way for their success in their program of choice."

“At KEEN Utility, we are incredibly passionate about making the trades more accessible to all and welcoming the next generation of tradespeople," said Kevin Oberle, Senior Director of Global Insights and Engagement at KEEN Utility. "We want to congratulate the graduates at Genesee Valley BOCES on their hard work and hope these boots will help as they embark on their careers.”

The boots, classified as safety boots, meet the stringent requirements of various industries, aligning perfectly with the needs of CTE programs. Mount Morris CTE Center extends its sincere gratitude to KEEN Utility for their generous donation and commitment to helping students thrive. A heartfelt thank you is extended to KEEN for their impactful contribution.

a Metal Trades student practices in the weld booth.